Saturday, 23 March 2019

Logo Problem on York’s Olympic Lifting Platform

I ran into an issue that you should know about if you plan on getting a custom logo applied to the wood surface of a new lifting platform you're buying, whether it's a York or any other brand. Look at this. When our customer received the platform that York made for him, with his custom [...]


Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Custom Monolift Attachment Review

Hey there brothers and sisters of iron, Tony here with another detailed review. This time we'll take a look at a luxury item of sorts with a somewhat valuable feature of an automatic hand off of a loaded barbell (and unloaded too if you start your warm ups with just the bar first)... This is [...]


Sunday, 10 March 2019

[VIDEO] Troy SupraBar Cable Curl Bar Review Anyone who lifts regularly eventually gets some nagging aches and pains that they can't figure out. Usually they go away if you work around them and lighten up a bit. Ryan's latest problem was pain in his forearms that had been there for months. He went to see a doctor to see if medical [...]
