Sunday, 17 November 2019

8 Gifts Crossfitters Will Love (Guaranteed)

Crossfit enthusiasts who head to their local Crossfit box five days a week have all the equipment they need there. That doesn't mean they don't need a few things. Here is a guide to buying for Crossfitters. Crossfitters are known for all the little accessories they use to make hard workouts a little easier on [...]


Saturday, 16 November 2019

Deadlift Bar vs Power Bar: Do You Really Need Another Bar for Deadlifts?

Introduction If deadlifts are such an important exercise, it follows that you might want to get an extra piece of equipment that's perfectly made for doing it, right? Not so fast. It depends on where you are in your training. A brief explanation first, to help you see past the marketing hype... Note: The hex [...]


Friday, 8 November 2019

Top 6 Gifts for Male Weightlifters

This is a real guide, from a guy who lifts weights, telling you what a lot of us would like. There are a thousand gift guides like this on the internet. 99% of them are nonsense, written by people who have no idea what they're talking about and just go by "hot sellers" on Amazon. [...]


Friday, 1 November 2019

Garage Gym Chatter: Defective Eleiko Plates, a Titanic Mistake, Ironmaster Micro Plates, New From Rogue

Oops, Titan Does it Again You know, at least they keep trying. Eventually they get it right. I've got to give them an A for effort. This is a video of their Hefty Bench. Titan got back to him and is sending him a replacement leg that should fit right. But another person in [...]
