Friday, 28 February 2020

The Best Freestanding Power Racks for a Home Gym

Very few things are as important for strength training as a power rack. While you can get a budget power rack at around $300, spend more and it's a whole different world. A better rack feels as solid and safe as one at a commercial gym and has several features you might have taken for [...]


Thursday, 13 February 2020

AttyGuy’s Phenomenal Basement Gym

Intro: Why This Gym? Not long ago, I found a photo of a stunning looking but mystery gym. Tony recognized it as the gym of 'AttyGuy', a longtime regular on the workout equipment forum. I quickly realized that nobody has done this gym justice. The brand new commercial grade equipment is nestled in a [...]


Saturday, 8 February 2020

More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Power Rack J-Hooks

The Dark Ages Bar pegs in a vintage York rack.source: In early power racks you would see thick bolts or pegs going through the rack and sticking out to hold the bar. Some sort of head or lip on the end of it served to stop the bar from rolling off. Above is an [...]


Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Garage Gym Chatter: Ironmaster Bench Pad, Hex Bars Are Bad, Rack-Docking Benches

New Ironmaster Bench Pad Due to popular demand, Ironmaster made a new pad for their Super Bench and Super Bench Pro. Some people complained that the stock pad was too narrow for their liking at 10.25". The IPF specs dictate 11.5-12.5" so Ironmaster's pad is unusually narrow. On the replacement pad, half the pad is [...]


Sunday, 2 February 2020

Outdoor Home Gyms: How to Avoid Rust or UV Damage

Introduction: General Considerations Nothing like the feeling of freedom in an outdoor gym, in a backyard or on a patio, in fresh air and sunlight. It's possible to keep your gym equipment in reasonably good shape even outdoors. The main issue is rain or even nighttime dew. If it's outside, it will get wet. Secondarily, [...]
