Saturday, 10 October 2020

Is Anything Going to be in Stock Ever Again? – Gym Equipment Supply and Demand Lesson

It's six months into the coronavirus situation, and you're still having a heck of a time trying to get basic gym equipment like weight plates. Why? Well, I'll tell you about it further below. First, I Wasn't Hallucinating About Rogue's USA-Made Plates Last week I mentioned seeing these with little confidence that I didn't have [...]


Friday, 2 October 2020

Notable New Products: 27mm Bar, USA-Made KBs, and a Foldable Reverse Hyper

Most new gym equipment products are near-clones of another brand or small upgrades. Once in a while I take notice of something. These few products are a big enough deal to get my attention... Texas 27mm Body Building Bar A unique bar worth a mention! Capps Welding - aka Texas Power Bars - released a [...]
