Our writers get a hold of the latest gym equipment, and our favorite equipment gets a detailed hands-on review to show you exactly what the product is like to own and use.
Adjustable dumbbell bars/handles are among the most common pieces of strength training equipment in home gyms. There are a few types to differentiate between to determine their weight. Solid Standard Dumbbell Handles Threaded and smooth-end styles of standard 14" dumbbell bars Standard 14" long dumbbell handles weigh 4-5 lbs each, provided they are solid steel [...]
It's six months into the coronavirus situation, and you're still having a heck of a time trying to get basic gym equipment like weight plates. Why? Well, I'll tell you about it further below. First, I Wasn't Hallucinating About Rogue's USA-Made Plates Last week I mentioned seeing these with little confidence that I didn't have [...]
Most new gym equipment products are near-clones of another brand or small upgrades. Once in a while I take notice of something. These few products are a big enough deal to get my attention... Texas 27mm Body Building Bar A unique bar worth a mention! Capps Welding - aka Texas Power Bars - released a [...]
In the first photo I saw, the two racks grabbed my attention. I had to guess: Is this for two people? Nope. Both racks are for him. Mostly. When someone has two racks in his garage just for himself, it's the kind of thing that I have to feature on this site. Technically his wife [...]
This woman in her 70s is killing it. Thought you might like to see. https://www.facebook.com/SportsCenter/videos/567473200569439 (video posted by SportsCenter, filmed by mrjames_cpt on IG) Updates I would be publishing new content more often, but right now anything I've been inspired to write about is out of stock for the foreseeable future, and it's pointless to [...]
A set of kettlebells is way different than dumbbells in that you can more easily get away with just two or three kettlebells, while with dumbbells you need pairs of each size in a large range, 5lb increments, to effectively train with. This is due to the types of exercises done with each. Kettlebells are [...]
Manufacturers are still trying to catch up with demand from everyone at home who can't go to their regular gym anymore. Some conditioning equipment or functional training equipment is easy to find: sleds, weight vests, medicine balls, resistance bands... It's the staple weight lifting equipment like barbells, weights, benches and racks that are badly sold [...]